Renato Nitta

Project Solo 1 | Refuel control APP

Project Solo 1 | Refuel control APP

The context

I can’t get rid of this habit of logging the refueling on my cars and motorcycles.

I’m not sure if I learned it from my parents or what, but I’ve been doing it for years.

The tools I use for it are a notebook and pen, an essential material in every glove box of my cars.

This is what it looks like:

The problem

I have a notebook in my car, my wife has another notebook in her car, and I use a spreadsheet on my phone to log my motorcycle refueling.

I want it all in one place, so I’m building an app.

It will solve two main problems:

  1. All logs in one place
  2. Easy to see the metrics

The project goals

I will build the app in my free time as a side project, and I have a few goals for it:

How it’s going to work?

The project will follow the Six-week cycles, and I intend to deliver an MVP by the end of the first cycle (six weeks).

I will be working solo, and I will be playing different roles, the developer, the designer, the project manager, and the writer/reporter.

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SP1 – Refuel Control app posts:

  1. The pitch
Exit mobile version