Renato Nitta


Hello there, this is Renato Nitta.

Renato Nitta

I enjoy my time doing software development, team building, and parenting.


I went through different fields, from photo restoration to magazine design to a car factory, serious.
Entering the digital world, in the web development field I started doing design, followed by frontend development, backend development, sys admin stuff, project management, and team leading.

After a few years on this journey, I confess that I became a specialist not having a specialization, but I like to believe that I can help people to improve their personal and professional skills while developing digital products, it is a good purpose to pursue.


Born and raised in São Paulo – Brazil, I spent my early adult life in Japan’s central area, also known as Tokay. Gifu-ken, Aichi-ken and Shiga-ken.

Japan is the place where I met my wife, with whom I have 3 children.

Before the age of 40, I already had an adult son; my younger daughter is above 10.

I managed to learn a thing or two during the process. 🧐

My interests and consequently articles that will appear here are:

Find me on the web



About this website

This is a personal website where I intend to write about several subjects.
No restrictions here, personal stuff and personal point of view.

The main goal is to write down notes about:

The languages

There is a Brazilian Portuguese version and an English version.

One version is not the translation of the other.

There will be content published only in Brazilian Portuguese.

There will be content published only in English.

There will be content with translations in both languages.

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